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The Weekly Magazine - FRIDAY SHOWING

In my world of limited energy and great joy of photography-art, design and writing I put energy into a blog and I follow friends on my fb page and contribute there much less than before this new undertaking.

I have put my surprisingly consistent work of love on fb, done as if I was editing a magazine, into this new blog. A weekly (now bi-weekly) blog that naturally with consistent work of love, attracts a regular reader.

The fb personalized friend oriented open and quite appealing postings, on a homepage/timeline often acts as a news and entertainment billboard-like publication for readers reflecting personal interests of their own but operates with a mysterious changing program determining which posts from which people will show up on a given viewing.

As a poster of written stuff and photos, I also see the efforts of fb to generate the profits that Wall-Street insists on plus a cavalier and alienating approach to privacy and style, could lead fb to morph into something the fb lovers of the world start to lose interest in.

At this point I think the time and effort I put into contributing to yours and my fb timeline/homepage postings will be better spent with a blog where I have more editorial (fun) and design (fun) control.

Behind the curtain, Jim Wells. Photographer, writer, artist, teacher retired and Buddhist. I publish this blog on Fridays. Started at another web address on 2/22/2013


Starting after the June 6th issue, 2013 Friday Showing became a fortnightly or published every two weeks, magazine-type blog.

Sorry, this blog hosting site doesn't allow inserting a live link In with text, so please copy and paste my recommended web addresses in your address line if you want to see them.

How Friday Shows:

​Move mouse over 'Friday Showing - The Blog', in the header and click.
The most current issue will always be designated:
'Friday Showing - The Blog'.
About 'Archives'
Each number in the pop-up menu is for one issue.
Please Enjoy, Please Comment.

A conversation we needed to have between fb and myself.

It isn’t easy for me to say this. I have loved you so much and for so long. OK?

You may have noticed over time as much as I have expressed my love and support for you, I have with even more frequency tried to tell you of things which bothered me and I know you have offered to listen and have a frank discussion with me at certain times.

Even as you left space for me to speak-up and you certainly did try to change somethings, the more you did some changes, the more alienated I began to feel.

I know you must work (in order to monatize) and I respect your requirement and need to have a job but the choices you have made tell me you just don’t get me. Alas, I think it may be me and not you. I’m an artist and may be too picky about some things, some things I just could not explain to you clearly.

Now you have said you can give me the opportunity to categorize my friends. I’m sorry, that does not appeal and does not make sense to me. Dividing people up, like family or friends except with more distinctions like what? Those who like photography, model trains, randomness or quirky?

I am a kind of artist who tries to tries to understand a very broad audience. An audience who much like myself is interested in many different types of things and it could be different things on different days. Also I find that there are places I can look and find something interesting that I could not predict. As an artist I have great appreciation for serendipity and for this type of realization, I am willing to simply pass over many things offered which do not appeal enough for me to give a second look, while still appreciating the fact that they were offered.

In short I see your value is expanding my horizons and understanding of the world. For example what is it that appeals to people with a Republican bent toward the world? I wonder if I can open myself to anything I could understand which I can not see. Idealistically, I look for such things as key to resolving important issues in the world stemming from lack of understanding. The type of things dialogue could be based on or could be the destination of a heartfelt dialogue.

I know categories can help you in your job as you see it, to get more people with larger amounts of money to spend on you. I certainly am not above that myself. I’m sure there are many people with a desire to get to know more photographers simply as a list to make appeals to and that you could give them such lists but that seems to be where you lose me.

I guess as an artist or Bohemian or hippy, whatever I am losing interest in supplying the things you feel you need, I feel that it is a good thing if I learn how to communicate with more people, types of people if you will. I certainly am not going to prejudge who might like my art, the things I like to express. By keeping open in this way I am often pleasantly surprised.

I am seeing someone else now, indeed someone I’m quite optimistic about.

I certainly want to be friends with you and everyone you’re connected with and I have no regrets, I learned so much from you.


The Weekly Magazine - FRIDAY SHOWING



* More on WIX IT problems:
Often elements of magazine design will change after the issue is published. This may include text changing colors, becoming harder to read, links going dead, photos or text changing position on the page, some element disappearing altogether and other mostly non-major but confusing changes. This is aside from my typos and occasionally confusing style of writing.

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