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The Weekly Magazine - Friday Showing

For Friday 4/5/13

The ancestor of all us Humans

Not long ago I saw a post of the sky at night with the caption, This is an old photo of me.

We can think of a physical brain we carry around that, in the timeline of biological adaptation developed rather suddenly with consequences that are unimagineable and which we try to imagine.

The humans on this Earth particapate in the art and images here. With an exploded brain so much bigger than other animals we can conceive of our time on Earth as a
slide show or a movie lasting a minute, more we conceive of the reality that has occured here as a tiny second of the dynamic of the universe, in a microscopic physical area of that same big place we all live in.

We can be jealous of the stuff another human has, (A small matter really for a big brain,  :-) ) turn around and find evidence of cells in our bodies and further conceive of something which is both matter and energy way way inside those cells, which live and die and leave us living and dieing, still here on Earth.

In some very tiny space, I can imagine the inseperable fusion of poetry and science and I can write a love letter to it.

Especially when we’re young we want to experiment and prove and we want to image and feel, the true things about this universe. Some call it love, some call it a universal law but even those who don’t want to experiment, prove, image or feel live inside the brain - of humans.


Note: This head clip is about 1 minute, watch the brain at the end. Also please ignore a graphic artifact that may appear near the start of the text below.

I heard the way to be a writer is to read. I find the more I write the more I want to read.

If you have a blog or know of a blog which in your valued opinion is good, please take a minute and let me know how to


Hopefully a recomended blog is

one which won’t fit into a type

or be about something. Since

before Seinfeild, I have been

commented to writing and

capurting pictures of the kind of

nothing which stirs some


A dear friend has recommended the essays of E.B. White, some of which I promise to read before the next Showing Friday publishing.
Please recommend a blog that you like and might return to even if not found on the fb homepage. Not something you think I might like.

With the advent of the radio came the fearful predictions, technology will ruin us.

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